Monday, May 28, 2007

dis isn't the real me:(

my summer started on 4th april...frm tht day till 19th of may i was home....i was employe din the office at was fun in the beginning,,,,th ewrk wasnt so much,,,but as the days passsed by i had more wrk to do..n the wrst prt was tht i had to be off the bed my 9:30...yaar chutti's main koi uthta hain itni subah??:(....but still i njoyed the wld leave me alone for long the frdt 2-3 weeks summa was helping em a bit ...bht whn her xamz were to strt,,i had to take uo the wrk of bht of us....wanted so many tymes to jus say the i dun wanna wrk nemore,,,but cldnt say frnd's were all annoyed at me coz i wsnt speaking to ne of them....jus chked messages n left...n in the evenings whn i signed-in again.."yah yah...forget us"these were the type of messages i was gettin frm my frndz...sutymes i felt so tired after the days wrk...n became very cranky...n wld scold ppl for nuthng...later i regretted the holidays..sara,roshn haffus came over to stay at our was nice having ppl of my age arnd at home...coz there's really no1 arnd my age at home...n it was one night whn i n haffus wentto sleep fynally at arnd 3...she asked me y was i gettin so aanoyed at ppl so soon...she saw me getting annoyed at saif for like no reason...jus shouting at him...i wld loose my temper so soon...tht two tymes i even slapped him hrd on his bac...:(felt really bad for it laterz...i thot abt wht haffus said the nxt day..n began to realise tht i really was being mean to ppl arnd me,,,its very very bad of me u c:(...i was never lyk dis b'fore,,,,sum mnths ago i started to being lyk dis...dis is not the normal me!!God i wsh i cld jus understand wht wz happening to me,,,every1 arnd me was sayng tht i hav changed a lot,,,i dunno wht made ppl say tht...n everytym sum1 said tht i got so annoyed...n stopped talkn to ppl n behaved so unlike me!!,,,,never blvd tht i wld change so much,,,but wht hav made me change so much???i try to thnk it for every few days ki "kya hua mariya tumko"???but nvr got an answer bac....waiting for sum1 to xplain ki wht's wrong wid me,,,n in those days i dnt even wante dto speak to either Laxmi or Rehan...n was gettinm upset over the silliest thn's ever...evn if sum1 said me sumthng aloud...for my good...i always thot tht every's against me,,,but later it thot no,,,it was for my own right...i shld hav nvr blamed ppl for trying to temme wht's good for me,,,sumdays bac rehan said me tht i wasntthe mariya i used to be at skool,,,the same thn even sunita ma'am said...i was taken back coz she never really said thos ekina stuff....wht i thot was...i want a off...i wanna get away frm home for sumdays,,,jus to get sum peace,,,n yeah i did,,,i wentto mami's place...njoyed der wid all my cousinz ,,,,we sat n talked abt skool lyf till late in the night's...n tht was fun.....once in those days i got te be online till late nght....n it was aftr monu's b'day,,,so at the same tym sum1 else was online tooo;)...called thm bth on the conference;)...n it was so bad u knw,,,they bth started teasing me at the same sum tym me n monu strted fighting over sumthng...HE was lyk..."kitna accha lagra do billi's ko ladtey dekhkey";)...i backed at him,,n said ever u fght wid wit juviji in the same way,,,thn at sumtymes monu teased me a lot..i asked HIM to gimme side...he gave,,,but only for a sec or two...n whn i scolded him for not givin my side,,,he was like im givin ur syd....monu wsnt replying,,,so i thot i wanted to leave,,,so said gudd byes to 'em n signed-off,,,thn went n satin frnt of the TV for a long arnd 4 switched it offf jus ti make sure tht i wldnt wake all the other ppl who were sleeping peacefully...thn bac at bed...i dunno how n whn,.,,,,i strted crying,,,dunno y but i was missing DAD so much,,,never cried for him,,,,tough i spk to him almist everyday..tht day i missed him teribbly...i jus dunno y???!!i was so confused myself...clsnt make up wht was goinn on...wanted to stop..but thot ki let the tears epain wld all go,,,,n cried almist for 30mins...thn chked the was almist 4:50...closed my eyes...n dunno whn i went off to sleep,,,got up at the stroke of 1,,,the rest of the day wnt in TV n thn talkin to ammu n bhabhi....n playing wid rida,,,[my ladoo bhatiji]...on 24 went for LIFE IN A METRO...was a gud movie....the sngs were really awesome,,,,thn went to KFC,,,,thn came bac home,,,it was so good to be bac homie...really missed every prt of was a good brk frm wrk n home for jus 4 days...ppl werent happy coz we stayed only for 4 day's..mami even complained it to dad,,,on 26th we went to coll for the's a good place...i mean the coll...GAUTAM....the tymngs are bad tough!!!:( 8:30-4:00,,isnt tht too much fir CEC students...anyways letes see wht happen's...

it was 11:50 on 26th may...tht i fynally dragged me frm the pc to hav abath b'fore goin to sleep,,,,n got a bit xcited coz aftr 10mins i wld be all of 16,,,,i was jus gettng dresses,,,sum1 knocked on the door,,,it sounded lyk faisal,,,i was lyk.."wht"???"bahar aao" the prsn said.."ruko do min"...i answrd bac....n thn i took my twl n poened the door,,,n as soon as i did it..monu thrwe a mug of water all over me"pichkiyaauuu"...thn gave me a lite hug...i felt so happy abt the huggie thng....[she will nvr kne how much i love her]...thn i met mom...she gave me a hug too...thn rehan called.....tht dad called n i spk 2 him for lik a min...n thn to chi n fatty,,,thn i replace the phoney...n go dwn to get me sum hot mlk....wanted to hav one glass fulll...dwnstairs summa too gave me a huggie....n sobu met me at the entrance....went to the kitchey,,,,but cldnt fnd hot milk,,,,got frustrated n came up...holding my wch i thot of keepin my stuff....maa was tellin me frn ages to remove all those tuff frm the cupboard,,,,i got d tym...thn on the was mad actually,,,was jus wondering tht did ppl forget it was my b'day??thn...naah!!they wld surely call in themrng:)....aftr emptying my cupboard frm my kachra,,,i wentto sleeep,,,had monu phonky for he radio.,,,,n all my fav sngs were being played,,,,n i jus slept listening to "bepanah pyaar hain aaja" the mrng it was sappu drlng who woke me up n wished me....thn pradeep vcalled...thn sunitha ma'am called,,,,had calles frm every1,,,but Laxmi???where was she??i dressed in my pakistani suit tht mumma[my tayimaa]brght frn Dubai;) was awesome,,,,wnt dwn met dadima n dadahazat,,,,at 12 i got upset tht laxmi hadnt called still...thn arnd 12:10 faisal come n saytht sum1 came for me....i went till the stairs n found my darling laxmi stndng der....we hugged each other fora long tym...thn we sat in the guest room n spoke for a long tym...juvi baaji called up in themiddle,,,,thnbushra turned up to...three of us had fun,,,thn i cut the cake laxmi bght ,,,it was a vanilla cake ....yummmy,,,awesome,,,,bht mazey ka tha,,,,ha dthe lunch n thn d ice-cream,,,thn me n bushra went n dropped laxmi at her place,,,,n i went to hav sum peace at home,,,n slept for two long hour's,,,,thn got up,,,n switched thepc on,,,,till it git strted i had my asr prayer's....n asked god for forgivness to whtever i had doen the previous yr,,,n promised tht i wldnt repeat this year,,,thn chked my messages,,,happy b'day frm everyone,,,got crds frm mt frndzzz,,,juvi baaji was like"saula baras ko maine saawara"...yeh gaatey phiro tum,,,,sam bhai was teasing me abt God know's who!!!was lyk "aapkey UNU wish karey??"[unu=atif aslam;)]....Owaes Bhaiyya callled in the evening,,,as soon as i saw his no i picked up the reciver,,,n strted shouting"sadiyal hain aap....bht burey hia,,,,ab tym mila apni sis-in-law ku wsh karney ka....huh!!!hodaya mera pukaara ab bolo..lolz";)....he was lyk thot ki u wld be bz the whole day n so i thot of callin in the evening,,,n asked me to chk the b'day mail he sanet ,,,i was cute lil mail,,,n suddenly juvi baaji cum's up n gamme my was a whole pack of 3 dairy!!!ssssssssslllllllllllllllluuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrpppppppp,,,,,in the dinner had wonder haleem maa cooked,,,,jus perfect,,,,thn nushra went home,,,n i watched sum tv,,,at 11 i cut the chicolate cake....n summa came wid vanilla cream n pasted it on my face,,,,thn arnd 1 in the nght i did wid mi Isha prayer's,,,thn said nighty to myself....wnt to the bed....switched on the radio,,,,had the buk,,,,i had sum thot tht it wasnt the day i wishd for i dnt feel it was my b'ay..tough i had a lot of fun...still felt sumthng missin...jus tht thot tht this was the frst b'day dad wsnt here i missed him ver badly in those minutes,,,n all of a sudden tears flooded in m,y eyes...n i quickly switched the radio off...kept the buk under the pillow....n closed my eyes tight...n dunno whn i felt asleep...

bht late hodaya,,,will need sum rest to be Super Girl in the mrng;)...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Did I Ever Tell You...

hey ppl der....
how u doing??
dis is my second poem...
And here it goes...

For My Best Friend!!

Did i ever tell you,
how much i love you...
you have always been there for me,
throughout these years always beside me...
i wld never want toloose you,
coz you have been the most supportive...
i wld never forget the time,
whn u alone stood for me...
whn the whole wrld stood against me....
i wld never forgrt the thngs u had instore for me,
and made me feel special,with each passing day...
i wld never forget the days,
whn u held my hand close to ur heart...
i'll always want onlu you,
coz there are ppl lyk u very few....
i'll always want u to be the one,
who will listen to me...
i can never let anyone take ur place,
coz u are burried deep inside my heart...
i always look up to the thngs u have done,
wch noone else cld have done...
u are very special to my heart,
tht i cant think of being apart...
without you i'll be all alone...
and as we go apart,
dnt forget me dear friend....

i love you for everythng u done for me.....

Thursday, April 19, 2007

picnic.....the fun!!!

hey der...
me bac again...with full masti-wasti for all u ppl der!!
today i'm gonna write about the fun we had at our picnic..
it wuz lyk in the frst week of dec...thw weather being so gud esch passing day!!we were all very xcited about dis trip of ours!!coz v knwe we wuld hav so much fun der!!!:)...n so..the journey started at 8:30 in the morning...every one at their best dressing came to school.....we had two buses......seperate for guyz n gurlz....we njoyed throughout the journey...singing all tthe latest the top of our voices....we even danced in the bus...the marfs types;) was the most funloving journey i ever had in my lyf tillnow....we reached at the resorts at 10:00.....n straight went into the grnds....n played till we were called for the water games....all the gurls frst thn the guys....we had so much fun at the water's.....the slides....the ring-aring-a roses game!!the train game!!n lots more....we decided to throw laximi in the pool!!but culdnt do tht....she wuz freezing very badly!!thnkxx to the lovely weather!!the slides were the mostfun.....i wuz very scared for the frst tym....we had dis long distance n we wuld cum n splash directly into the waters....tht wuld half drown us...the preassure wus gr8...butto uor bad luck..the wave pool wsnt wrking due to the power shut down!!tht wuz mean!!to cheer the ppl...i did an item number"kajra re".....ppl went mad!!!!all praises frm every where!!at 1:00 we went to hav our lunch...thn came the boys turn to the pool.....till thn wht we did wuz...jus walked thru the resorts..nnjoyed teasing sunitha miss!!!she's really less a teacher n more a fun!!!!nxt we went to this place where der were all swings..n fought for the swings...till in the nd we were tired n let the other ppl standing play n jus went n sang songs at the top of our voices!!thn sunitha miss along wid teh guys came der....n theymade me dance to the tune of"yeh mera dil"......after 2 yrs i did a dance amongst so many ppl....there werea lot of cheers frm my class boys...cos they had been asking em for a yr to perform sumthng sumthng for them!!!nxt we made elbert n yahiya dance to kajrare!!!thn we made elbert do the memicri!!!...i wus so funnyyyyyyy..........thn the whole grp of our's went deep inside the resort n found a new place!!we went searching inside lyk for sum treasure;)....n climbed teh walls...shouting to each other....thn we played the running games..wch wuz a mixture of lot n lot of cheating...i never play a game without cheating;)...thn i climbed the tower der...n shouted to all my frnds...."im going to jump"....jus thn phy sir saw me n said!!dun do it so fast.....write ur 10th n thn do it;)....i wuz lyk...all laughing...we came down n it wux tym to go....we had so much funin the return journey!!we were to return by 6:00 but we came at 8:00...coz we were into traffic for nearly 2 tht scene we got the power bac...n started singing at the top of our voices....ppl in the traffic were lyk!!"are dese ppl gone mad"...the luks were lyk tht!!!whn we finally reached school...we started to cheer so loudly tht the passebye's were totally confused!!it wuz so much fun....i still remmeber everythng we did!!....wish der wuz every tym we culd be together.....i miss my school...
n frm today im going to miss sumthng else to...
SRK....the KBC season1 is done!!....
so for tonite this is it!!
see ya ppl soon!!
and for the frst tym on...listn to this...
Mariya says her reader's tht she luv ya all for encouraging her!!!
gunnight n shabbakhair!!!
~~~Mariya Suhail~~~

Sunday, April 15, 2007

the annual day!!!

hey me bac again!!
today i have one of my most wonderful tymes at St Mary's School.....
im talkin about the annual day 2007!!...
we were having teh 25th anniversary of our lovely school!!!
n us being the top most class had to luk after everythng!!
tough we were having our pre-finals we looked into everythng....
I was gived a shock frm ma'am tht i was to anchor the whole show!!!
I wuz really scared coz i jus doen anchoring at school...not in frnt of so many ppl!!!
wuz nervous frm the day one!....n ma'am said she wuld gimme teh programme list only one day b'fore said tht she believed im me....n i will do the best out of it!!
i was reall happy tht she thot tht i culd do it!!coz it wuz Anitha miss who did it for he past years!!
i wuz really scared but all the teachers were lyk u can do it Mariya...u hav tht ability to do anythng!!i felt tht whn every1 has faith in me...thn y dont i give it a try!!!on the day ......i was totally nervous...firstly i had to welcoem the chief guest's n say thm thnkx for comin....n thn anchor the show!!Prasad Sir started it but after sum tym ma'am dragged me onto the stage...n wuz ur going to do the anchoring frm now!!
i went up on the stage...n statred"gud evening to ladies n gentle men....boys n gurls"[the srk way]..they were all cheers frm my class mates....thn i started the went o for hours....thn came the prize giving cermony.....i went off frm the dias....i had a brk...i wuz going to meet my frnds...thn pradeep stopped me in the way....n wuz lyk u dun teh anchoring very well!!
i wuz all gud byt thn...teh nervousness all gone!!i went bac to the stage...there wuz a dance about "huha india"...after wchi the wholea auditorium cheered for our Indian crkt team!!himaja,madhuri n laxmi got prizes for the three toppers of last year...respectively....the show ended wid ma n ma'am n the whole crowd singing the national anthem!!after tht we had photo session wid the whole class...wch made me so senti tht i hugged Sunita Miss n creid all over!!!all the ppl were sad coz this wuld be our last annual day!!!i went out thn n wuz welcomed wid a huge applause frm the seniors saying tht i wus really superb!!!it made me feel so gud!!tht ppl frm all over the place cuming n saying tht i wuz awesome!!thnkss to ma'am who thot i was capable of doing such thngs...i lost my stage fear n can do any stage show now!!!given tht there shuld eb a huge crowd!!hte day ended wid me on cloud 9 aftr so many praises...many ppl said one thng common"u were better thn anyone else we knw"...even my sista's frnds were lyk u were jus too gud!!thnku everyone!!
wuld lyk to thank...Ma'am.Prasad Sir,Prakash Sir,Tata Rao Sir,Sunitha Miss,Zareena Miss,my whole cclass....esp Laxmi n Rehan.....who were a big supprot to me!!
n yeah thnkz to everyone else who praised me!!
for now tis is it!! nxt post wuld be abt the fun we had at the picnic....
till thn.....boys n girls ko mera.....hi5...
n saare bade log ko......Aadaab...

Friday, April 13, 2007

changed my mind again!!!!

hey ppl...
fastest post ever!!..
as the title goes..."changed mymind"
i have once again changed my mind of not doing MPC...n not going for IIT!!!in the beginning i thot i culd do sister spoke to me for quiet sum tym....i too thot about it....n felt lyk
i culd do it....but as the days went by..i came to realise tht doing maths is not an easy thng....but a very hard thng!!i felt lk i culd nolonger take so much of maths....till 10th we have only 1 buk{usko bhi rote rote kartey}....but after tht they will be so many buks tht i will have to i eventually gave up the idea of doing MPC...n opted for CEC....i tht\ot ki this wuld be the best!!n easy to cope wid!laxmi n rehan were the happiest ppl aorund whn i said thm i have changed mymind"aagaye na lyn pe"...tht's wht both of em said!so me finally doing CEC...many ppl arent happy wid dis idea of mine....but i dunt care coz i'll do wht i fynd gud forme!!!waiting for the results...they'll be late b'coz the teachers were out ona strike till yesterday....n today the correction started...the result may be cumin in 2nd week of may!!baaaaah....y so much of pain...y cant they make every one pass!!give 90 in each subject n khallas;).....they happy...ppl also happy;) suicide cases.....nuthng....ppl home also sayin me dont need to go n suicide if u dong get gud result.....they are all mad...coz me not doing all stupid stuff....coz i knw i'll pass in distinction[inshallah]......anyways moving further.....yesterday sunitha miss got to knw about"rohit"..she too wsnt happy...coz our loved laxmi will be going...both she n me went quiet for sum tym.....i just love my laxmi.....more thn any1 on this earth:)......i had a happy news....tht[inshallah]we'l be going to visit see dad der...he's on sum business trip around the we will probably meetin him at mumbai!!hopefully i can get a glimpse of SRK N JOHN!!!;)'s it for today!!!n yeah dnt forget to seee......LEFT RIGHT LEFT!!!
its jus awesome...i luv rajeev khandelwal!!!
till thn.....
boys n gurls ko mera.....hi5...
n bado ko mera salaam!!!
~~~Mariya Suhail~~

Thursday, April 12, 2007

!@#$%bac wid a bang!!!.......

heya der!!!!....
im bac wid so many thngs to say n so many thngs to do!!
i just dont remember whn was the last tym i posted anythng on dos blog.....but i'll see to it tht frm now on...i'll regularly post sumthng!!the days had been veryvery wonderful n at tymes bad tooo....we were supposed to be doing hard-wrk....coz we were having our board examz!!!
they were many thngs to be much of revision....our princi wuz bac of us lyk a honey bee bac of honey!!!!we were rubbed so very hard to study n study...each day we have to do more work n thn after school der was home!!where we were treated lyk we were in a was all awful....but amongst these we had sum wonderful tym too.....laxmi's sis was to get married n we were all invited....tht was really lyk sumthng we wuld go to even if we had sum serious wrk....coz all the frnds wuld be 2gether....n u wuldnt blv the fun we had tht day...i wuld treasure it for ever n ever.....on 12th frb i met sum1 who i didnt know wuz wus my best frnds fiancee...he wuz just schoked to see so many of us 2gether.....but it wuz all fun......after this we were having pur pre-finlas...wch were the most funniest thngs we ever done at school....seriously i never studies for the pre-finalz....wroe it lyk we were writing sum class work...passing the sheets...shouting the objective typ...all the teachers were lyk fed up!!!n as we didnt study...the result was the worst!!ma'am was lyk so bad at us...we were given tym out!!!we were supposed to sit at school for extra 2 hours......3-5.....even in those classes we used to hav fun....finally ma'am was pissed offf..n she stopped the classes!!!the second pre-finals were gud;am was really very very happy wid the result!!thn it wuz tym for us to leave the school...the last day wuz the wrst days.....the whole staff cried saying tht we were the best batch of our school!!our class was the only class wch was frnd;y wid each other...n this year we grew so close to each other...tht it was lyk impossible to leave those frndz.....but as one day everyone has to go....tht wuz our day!!we were given farewell on 12th march......the wonderful farewell ever....we danced,sang,played n did a lot of wuz vry the end we again cried for this was seriously last day!!!on15th march we got our hall tckts....everyone was very scared....the xamz started on 21st...i was lyk total scared on the frst day...but after wasall good....the xamz were all gud....n for the frst tym in my whole lyf...i did my maths papers well!!!i was on colud was jus amazing..i culdnt blv,my self!!!so aal the other xamz went well decided we went for a movie"namastey london"on the last xam day...i was allover a gud movie...but watching wid frndz made it even more special!!!we got home by lyk 5:30....n were lyk fullltu happy having spent the day wid our frndz....the holidays are kinda very kool till noe....went to skool twice...irritated all the teachers....had full fun...had lunch one day at sonu's weas all awsome!!!..thn thn other day went to city centr n imax.....had fun der!!!
now i have started wirting a book on my 10th days!!!its called"ever lasting memories"its a tough job baaapppp!!!but trying very hard...callin class mates n asking for special days!!
but till now its all gud...wish me luck!!!

Friday, January 26, 2007

maula mere..

maula mere, maula mere ,maula mere,maula mere.....
maula mere,maula mere,maula mere,maula mere....
maula mere,maula mere, maula mere,maula mere...
maula mere, maula mere, maula mere, maula mare..

aanke teri.....itni haseen ke inka aashiq main ban gaya hun
mjhko basale inmain tu.....
ishq hain.......
maula mere,maula mere,maula mare, maula mere....

ke inka aashiq main ban gaya hun...
mujhko basa le inmain tu....

mujhse yeh har ghadi mera...dil kahe...
tum hi ho uski aarzoooo...
mujhse yeh har ghadi mere lab kahe...
teri hi ho sab guftagu....
baatein teri.....itni hasee.....main yaad inko...jab karta hun....
phoolo si aaye kushboooo....

rakhlu chupa mian kahi ...tujhko..saaya bhi tera na main du....
rakhlu banake...kahi ghar...main tujhe....
saath tere main hi rahooooo...
zulfe teri.....itni ghani...dekhke inko...
yeh soonchta hun.....saaye main inke main jiyu....
ishq hain...
maula mere,maula mere,maule mare, maula mere.,,,,...........

meera dil yehi bola,mera dil yehi bola.,
yaara raaz yeh usne hain mujhpe khola,..
ki hain ishq mohabbat...jiske dil main
usko pasand karta hain yeh maulaa meraaa{3}
kuCh !s TaRah

kuch is tarah teri palke...meri palko se milade...
aansu tere saare...meri palko pe sajade..

kuch is tarah teri palke....meri palko se milade
aansu tere saare....meri palko pe sajade...

kuch is tarah teri palke...meri palko se milade...

kuch is tarah teri palke... meri palko se milade
aansu tere saare....meri palko pe sajade...

tu har ghadi..har waqt mere saath raha hain...
haan yeh jism kabhi dur kabhi paas raha hain...
jo bhi gham hian yeh tere...inhe tu mera batade..
kuch is tarah teri pakle....meri palko se milade...
aansu tere saare...meri palko pe sajade....

mujhko ko to tere chchre pe..yeh gham nahi jajta...
jaaiz nahi lagta...mujhe gham se tera rishta...
sun meri guzaarish...ise chchre se hatade..{2}
kuch is tarah teri palke....meri palko se milade....
aansu tere saare...meri palko pe sajade...

kuch is tarah teri palke....meri palko se milade...
aansu tere saare...meri palko pe sajade...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

hey ppl der.....gosh...its like afetr 2 mnths im writing my blog again...many thng happened in these two months....i culdnt write my hafl yearleys due to illness...all the teachers thot ki they wuld meet me in the new year itself...but i went during the xamz ...just to meet my frndz....the xamz were so badly written....we ha dthe borest ever christmas celebrations at skolll{coz u knw we werent participating in anythng;)}...afetr wch we had like 12 days holidays...suring wch der was my brotheres njoyed a lot wid all my cuznz who came dows frm USA,KSA,AUSTRALIA!!!i was sooooooooooooooooooooooo happy to meet them all...i like stayed at their place for a day n made all the stuff for the shaadi.....the wedding was gr8 fun....afetr wch we had a picnic.....we arrive there like 2 hrs befire the other ppl arrived...n enjoyed a lot....there was a cricket match ...we stood der cheering for the teams..{for both the teams}...thn came the was so cold man...i thot i wuld die...but didnt...thn the most fum part was the DOG & THE BONE game......frst it was boys vs the gurls.....n to our surprise we lost!!!thn we mixed the boys n guurls n played....i was opp abdul....when our turn cme...he picked the sewater n i picked him up ....n dropped him...lolz.....we played it for quiet a longggggggggg time...thn we played HELP CHAIN.....bahut badiya th awoh bhi.....whn v were about to leave...we played CHUDI UDI WAL AGAME....lolz.......we reached home dead tired.....the nxt day skool...came offf by half day....thn after tht we went to maly hc n played the games der.....on 9th we had all those ppl {the dulha dulhan n family}for dinner at our made lovelu chinese meal tht day.....i n ma czn were talking was arnd 12 whn dey left....thn the daily skool routine started.....padna padna N aur padna.....tsts n thn ma'am ke classes on sundays.....skool's bcuming so bad dese days....we started filling th eslam buks....tht the only fum left in our daily routine for now....yesterday our eng ma'am{the bst ma'am ever}came to skool....whn i met her i literally started cryin...she was like "mariya tu chali jaa yah ase...u makin me cry".....der's a lot of preparation going at skool for the science exibition...hopefullu we'll have iton 2nd n 3rd feb.....n unfortunately on 2nd we have a counselling class at ravindra bharthi.....saara din khapate sade lecture main.....thn 3rd we'll have to do sumthng at the exibition.....thn hopefully in feb last week we'll have out ANNUAL DAY....jus waitin for'am gave us the worst news today....we'll be starting pur pre-finalz frm 5th feb....the whole feb we'll be writing xamz.....{such a time waste baapppppppppp}.....adeeeee i forgot to say the bst was like on monday whn ma'am came n said....u remember during the elections i said ur batch is the i say tht its the WORST batch in the history of our skool....we felt so happy!!!!every1 wants to be remebered as good but we want to be remembered as the WORST phy sir asked us sum question no body was able to he was like"frm tomorrow i'll read n cum u ppl dont take the pain to read....ill answer all the questions....u just listen to meee"....thn he started in telugu"epud ante time unte herolu gurinchi matlartaru......."the same lecture always....we had an interview by sum was a gr8 xperience seee....n thn after the lunch we had all the quiet classes didnt talk much.....but while going rehan walked me till the primary section ...n tht was the frst time today we spoke...i came home dead tired....spoke to sum ppl who i thot for got me.....but by gods grace they didnt.....anywyas lemme stop here...wish me luck ppl i m starting my 10 boards frm 21 march....
take care

Thursday, December 07, 2006

soo....todays day started wid me getting up at 5:30..thn prayers n quran n thn aawragardi!!:P....after all the thngs done i went downstaris for the breakfast!!thn i n my bro were waiting for 8:20(coz at tht tiem v go 2 d bus stop) maryum already left!!we went dat n stood there for 1min thn the bus arrived...we went 2 pck this cute gurl nandini n thn raju n thn sum other ppl too..whn v reached skool tht gurl gave me a kiss n thn the bell had already rung...i thot shit i misse sthe preyer....thn cumes telugu man n says go n attend the prayer they just rung the bell.....thnk god...phew!!in the prayer i n lamxi ver continously chatting!!blah blah...u ppl must knw ladkiyo ke baate never nding:P... thn i ran upstair....v had sp/eng....just sat n teased rehan n nikitha!! a lot!!laxmi thot me to tie a knot tye...she was like "learn mariya...o/wise ull have a problem after ur wedding:P"n u knw wht??i learned:D.....n thn v went upstairs n had eng he gives sum parts of speech...i n laxmi r bz playing wit the pen....drawing lines on rehanz n yahyas hands.....n thn interval main v played wid water...inni sardi main!!mazaa aaya...thn lilli miss continues to take class for 2 periods...v njoy in tht also...laxmi takes my hand n writes john all over my hand wid a cello gripper!n writes ssssss all oves lookes so good!:P...n thn rehan takes the other hand n starts writing a poem!!!!bah!! was fun actually....thn i go dwnstairs wid laxmi to wash my hands...v waste a lot of time there n whn v go up...v find princi mam in the calss!!!she asks me to dictate the paper....n goes away...v njot even tht period..n thn chalk fight goes on again ...we wasted almost half box today!!tht tooo only in 20 mins...telugu mam cums into the class listening to my screams.... n thn shoutes at th ebyz n punishes thm....thn v had bio...she wa sin a bad mood...the same reped lecture was given...if u interested sit o/wise gl(get lost)n she was like mariya n laxmi u both leave the class if not interedted...v make sum sad faces n thn say her sorry...n again after 2 mins start the same thngs...dstrbng ppl.....hindi was awesome.....v had a debate on dowry..shuld it b given or no...whose mistake s it?the gurls o the boys???n i was like its the guys mistake coz they ask for it....oniesmas was like thn y do u give it...laxmi was like if our parents dont give the in laws treat u went on for like 30 mins....n v won...all the guys were like yeah v promise tht we will not ask dowry....thn v had maths calss...sir was saying us ki 2 mnths mehnat karlo thn u can yenjoy!!n lecturing tht u ppl arent studying!!!every1 was like in a sad mood...n thn suddenly me laxmi n rehan shout doggyyyyyyyyyyy......every one is like??wht??sir was like u ppl never sit quies in the class....n just njoy each day(actaully he was smilim....tht means ki he wasnt angry n all the ppl were like thnQ..u made us feel alive again)n thn v leave for home n on the way i laxmi n rehan sing "yeh dosti hum nahi todenge ...tidenge dum magar tera saath naa chodenge"loudly!!!give each other a punch n bck home!!so thts all for 2day...hope its not a burden for u ppl to read two posts in the same day!!
all teh best!!